Niko  Sirmpilatze

Senior Research Software Engineer

Niko joined the Neuroinformatics Unit of the SWC as a Research Software Engineer in October 2022. His goal is to develop and maintain software tools for neuroscientists, with a focus on the preprocessing and analysis of behavioural data.

Niko holds a Medical Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, as well as MSc and PhD degrees from the International Max Planck Research School for Neurosciences in Göttingen, Germany. He completed his PhD thesis at the German Primate Center, where he studied the effects of anaesthesia on brain function using neuroimaging techniques. Through his research, Niko became experienced in processing large brain imaging datasets and especially came to enjoy coding and data visualisation tasks. He now strives to use these skills to promote open and collaborative ways of doing science.